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F1 2017 1.9-es javítás


Úgy tűnik a mai a javítások napja lesz. Ezúttal a Codemasters F1 2017 játékához érkezett legújabb javításról tudok beszámolni nektek. Az F1 2017 sem mentes a hibáktól, amit a gárda igyekszik folyamatosan javítani.
Az 1.9-es patch tartalmát kicsit lentebb olvashatjátok angol nyelven.

V1.9 Changelog:

New Features
  • New Spectator UI has been added to the game.
  • LAN Mode has been added to PS4 and PC versions.
  • New Grid editor available in custom multiplayer modes.
  • Photo Mode is now available on PS4 & Xbox One.
  • Sports Update – Updated car and driver liveries.
  • Sports Update – Updated car performance levels.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where continuing an online championship resulted in a crash.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where blue flags were occurring at the start of a race once – OSQ had finished.
  • Fixed issue where players could be disqualified at the end of a race if they were disqualified during the formation lap.
  • Fixed an issue in Multiplayer where the player position panel was showing incorrect positions when the spectating qualifying sessions.
  • Fixed a multiplayer issue where players were starting a race in the wrong cars after OSQ if host migration had occurred.
  • Fixed an issue where using an instant replay in practice and qualifying could cause the tyre models on all cars to disappear.
  • Fixed an issue with a flickering skybox during dynamic weather events.
  • Fixed backward with lod popping on drivers heads when looking backward with the camera during a race.
  • Fixed an issue where changing display resolution or Alt-Tabbing during gameplay caused severe lighting and graphical issues.
  • Fixed an issue where a white object was clipping through the player’s helmet.
  • Fixed an issue where tabbing out during a race in heavy rain caused water kick-up to stop working.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect car images being shown in the standings screen after resuming a classic championship.
  • Fixed an issue where Jeff repeated that he didn’t receive your last message.
  • Fixed an issue where Jeff would use the wrong VO lines when requesting to box this lap pitting during practice programs.
  • Fixed an audio issue with the end of race commentary incorrectly stating an SC made an impact in the race after only a VSC was used in race.
  • Improved AI drivers ability when defending the inside line.
  • Improvements to AI pace balance between qualifying and race sessions.
  • AI Difficulty is now applied correctly in multiplayer sessions.
  • AI will now pit under the SC for optimal strategy instead of waiting for the SC to go in.
  • Player no longer told to catch SC when leading the race and already behind the SC.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI attempts to overtake a player with FW damage under SC conditions and then receive no penalties.
  • Increased the likelihood of SC & VSC periods occurring in online championships.
  • Fixed an issue where double points were being awarded for the AI when a player retired with terminal damage.
  • In career mode, players can now use the laptop and not lose the opportunity to compete in an invitational event.
  • Fixed an issue which could show incorrect development time in weeks on R&D parts.
  • Driver number No 1 appears on a car instead of 0 after winning the driver’s championship.
  • Fixed an issue where stop-go penalties could be ignored without receiving a penalty.
  • Achievement / Trophy – Up to Eleven will now unlock correctly.
  • Added the 2nd DRS detection zone to Baku and updated track map video.
  • Added pre-set controls for Heusinkveld pedals.
  • Fixed an issue where the Thrustmaster TX wheel was displaying Xbox Icons for all rim presets.
  • Fixed an issue where gearbox wear would stay at 0% when using no assists and manual gears during a 100% race weekend.
  • Fixed an issue where tyre allocations were defaulting to balanced after returning to weekend set-up screen.
  • Rebalanced medium traction control performance.
  • Fixed an issue with the ‘Find Me’ button on the leaderboard scrolling 100 places rather than to the player’s position.
  • Fixed an issue where Sauber and Mercedes were always the most interested teams when reputation levels are maxed out.
  • Various other fixes and improvements.