Itt az Euro Truck Simulator 2 legújabb frissítése!
Az SCS Software gárdája rendületlen erővel készíti az Euro Truck Simulator 2 frissítéseket. Ez persze egy kisebb bravúrnak számít, mivel a csapat jelentős erőforrásokat csoportosított már az át az American Truck Simulator fejlesztésére.
Szerencsére ez nem érinti az ETS2-t, így most az 1.22-es patchnek örülhetünk, amiben ismét sok javítás és újdonság kapott helyet. A patch pontos tartalmát lentebb olvashatjátok, míg a frissítéshez a Steam rendszerét érdemes használnotok.
ETS2 1.22 Changelog:
- World of Trucks Contracts feature – now you able take jobs from the World of Trucks website
- Tire decals coloring
- Simulated tire grades based on European tire grading system (rolling resistance, wet grip, noise levels)
- The paint shop was integrated into the standard truck configuration
- Improved truck’s chassis geometry by adjusting fifth wheel position for most of 6×2, 6×4 chassis’s to decrease under steering under full throttle
- When clutch axis is not assigned for H-Shifter transmission, truck will handle clutch itself (much like sequential transmission)
- When shifter layout is named (new attribute „name”), the name string is shown in game for better recognition
- Hired drivers are more efficient when equipped by good truck
- User defined limit for length of generated jobs in the offline economy (g_job_distance_limit)
- User defined LOD distance for pedestrian, traffic and parked cars; multiplier of default distance (g_lod_factor_pedestrian, g_lod_factor_traffic, g_lod_factor_parked)
- Config for disabling „Autoparking” dialogue (g_adviser_auto_parking)
- Config for disabling Route Advisor popups when hidden (g_adviser_keep_hidden)
- Fixing missing world on low-end GPUs on OSX
- Improved physics and stability of trailers (disconnected, parked, AI)
- User defined traffic density, defined by multiplier to default (g_traffic)
- Improved simulation of suspension (leaning in curves or when accelerating/decelerating)
- Improved navigation, lane switching, spawning and obstacle checking
- New sounds for Volvo FH16 Classic
- New sounds for Volvo FH
- Higher resolution textures are used on models in UI screens regardless of the graphics settings
- Redesigned job and time widget on desktop
- Day/night effect switching for movers and walkers