Project CARS heti frissítések

A Slightly Mad Studiosnál fejlesztés alatt álló Project CARS körül ezen a héten sem állt meg az élet. A srácok szorgosan dolgoznak és folyamatosan javítják és finomítják a PC-re, XBOX Onera, PS4-re, Nintendo Wii U-ra és SteamOS-re is érkező játékukat.
Gyorsan összeszedtem nektek a heti frissítések tartalmát angol nyelven, amit kicsit lentebb olvashattok. A játékot a Steam segítségével tudjátok naprakésszé tenni.
Build 688 (21/03/14, Team Member+) – ~277.1 MB
* XB1: Savegame code, missing header file added.
* PS4: Added Invite friends gui handler
* PS4: Session/Invitation improvements. Image invitation.jpg added.
* Update with latest tech (WIP)
* Updated balance (WIP)
* Adding trajectory settings for Caterham 500
* Adjustments to existing sfx placements, plus additional placements
* Balance change for levelsounds
* Change to the sky rendering in reflecition maps.
* Impostor reflections scaling system changed
* Adding in code to workout size of particle for depth texturing.
* Material shader tracking: vastly reduces the amount of shader changes we issue. (saved approximately 2800 calls to DX11 with a full start grid)
* Impostor reflection strength made independent on waterval in shader
* Fix for hanging on splash screen when not logged into steam
* Revived all relevant DLC code, re-fitted to Aries with the addition of basic Steam implementation
* Hooking into the custom text colouring for the chat handler in the GUIHandlers.
* Adding accessors so that page handlers can access custom chat text colours.
* Setting the custom chat handler text colours in content
* Rolling start spawns skip setting up initial pose
* Pagani Huayra: First stage of active aero setup
* Radicals: Engine stall/bump start tweak. new brake fade tech
* Palmer JP-LM: Engine stall/bump start tweak. new brake fade tech
* Mercedes SLS AMG: Revised active aero settings
* BMW 1M: Adjusted tire pressure again
* BMW 1M: Added LODX clones
* Ford Mustang Cobra TransAm: Material fixes
* Ford Sierra Cosworth: Fixed logos typo issue
* Audi R8 V10+: Fixed shadow gaps, fixed shadow cast gaps, added 3D badges, New brake discs, added 3D Audi logos, many other fixes
* Audi R8 LMS: Added 3D badges, fixed shadow gaps
* Ford Mustang Boss302R: Alpha 2 animations drivers
* Mitsubishi Lancer EvoX: Added paint colors
* Besos: Club layout added, tweaked lod and emmisives, tweaked lod settings on pit building, merged in updated pitbuilding, garages and pitarea assets, New conplete AIW for new track. 36 grid size. No pit or garage area.
* Loire: New texture maps, 1st commit
Known issues:
– Replays in MP: Not working as they should
– P2P Tracks: Don’t press return to pitbox
– x64 temporarily disabled due to steam client issues.
Build 687 (20/03/14, Team Member+) – 538.1 MB
* Enabled PS4 event leaderboards (to be tested once event config download starts working) : stepan
* Fixed shifted time validation when querying event leaderboards on consoles.
* Fixed event vehicle id query on XB1.
* Fixed parsing of leaderboard stats on XB1.
* Fix for refleciton sky rendering. Basically the Relection emaps where using the wrong horizon and boost parameters.
* Fix for away fog colour getting setup incorrectly in the common buffers.
* Material ShaderState setting optimisation + support for optimised material global constant buffer setting
* Compressed common buffer constant buffer indices so there are no gaps.
* Adding the ability for custom colour overrides for chat text. Colors can be specified in data and linked on a project level to the static colours in the chat handler. Default chat colours are unaffected.
* Added ‘Reset VR’ control mapping to controls screen, and example use for control in CInGameSection.
* Added default control to maps.
* Added VR Predict Scale setting to video options page, and to profile
* Added a few missing text DB entries
* AppFunc handler code for setting chat handler text colours from content.
* Const correcting and unhiding chat handler colour setting code.
* Default GUIProgressBar min and max quads to ‘invisible’ to avoid data bugs
* Adding appfuncs for setting chat handler text colours from content.
* Increasing ms_MaxPerSessionInfo in profile to match new event with more sessions
* New boost model / push to pass etc
* Pagani Zonda Cinque: Initial Physics, Reduced FFB multiplier
* Audi R8: Engine stall/bump start tweak
* Engine and brake tech work on SLS AMG, Sauber C9 and Evo X. Active aero on SLS
* Added manufacturer paint colours
* Ford sierra RS500 Crosworth: New alpha 2 animations, added winning liveries + names, Added new additional livery vinyls – initial check
* RUF RGT8: LODA and LODB interiors polished, mapped and textured. Interior DDS texture – Initial check in.
* Audi R8 LMS: Various updates, fixes and additions, updated textures
* Audi V10+: Updated textures, Fixed cameras, calibrated gauges, updated CPIT display
* Pine material tweak, treeboost decreased
* Racing Groove texture update
* Anhalt: Added missing instance placement files, added some new textures and updated some. Completed the initial polish pass, a lot more could be done here but its got new textures, tyres, full wet setup etc.. so is good enough for the moment. Updated main placement files for GP and NAT layouts, added new mesh files for Anhalt and Loire tyrestacks, and Loire diffusemap, added spec and nmap for new yellow and blue tyre stacks.
* Loire: Fixed overglowing kerbs in one of the the first chicanes on the long straight, added latest from Tomas and Jan, added 3dtyres stacks, began getting polished materials and textures transferred over , added marbles, 3d tyrestacks for the black uncovered tyrewalls, updated envmap reflection setting, add textures for a53 – bridge, a54 – tribune and a63 – small building
* Besos: New exports
* Milan GP: Fixed cut tracks causing penaly in first chicane.
* Dubai GP: Edited line and corridor in last sector to match loft changes.
Known issues:
– Replays in MP: Not working as they should
– P2P Tracks: Don’t press return to pitbox
– x64 temporarily disabled due to steam client issues.
Build 686 (19/03/14, Team Member+) – 334.3 MB
* PS4: Fixes for shadow updates
* Fixed an issue with recent road surface sounds that had been put in the wrong sound bank (wind buffeting). Road sounds were failing to load for cars that weren’t using a wind sound (and so weren’t loading the bank) e.g. Kart, Mercedes SLS and Evo X
* Fix for headlight shadows not appearing. (Cars had been changed to use SpotLightProj, but SpotLightProj did not have shadow support)
* Fix for shadow range being too short in cockpit cam : alastair
* Fix for incorrect normal uv mapping on animated billboards
* Fix for compile error with FIXEDNORMALMAPPING define
* Updates all shaders for common global param blocks. Also fixes numerous compile issues with unreferenced params. Fixes PS4 shadows.
* Addition of logic to allow email history to be remembered in the EmailInboxGUIHandler. To be connected to EmailSystem by StuartH.
* Unlockables code improvements
* Fixing online events from not being startable with controller.
* Clarified how to query track leaderboards vs event leaderboards
* Unified leaderboard identification for all query types and stat submits
* Removed support for now obsolete track and vehicle versioning in leaderboards (which was supported only by our own server)
* Updated all Aries code to work correctly with the cleaned up API
* Added support for new console-specific event properties (leaderboard ids)
* Implemented stat shifting for event leaderboard reuse
* Implemented low-level support for events on XB1 and PS4 (submits and queries)
Note: After this change leaderboard submits will no longer work when running with -javalb, old obsolete leaderboards now works in read-only mode
* Megane Trophy motorsport name updated to match GUI
* Career Championships: Megane EuroCup – First release
* Career Championships: Megane Touring motorsport added (Motorsport definition, Contracts, text strings, and initial championship name).
* Fix for animation sequences not resetting when pak file reloaded. Additional debug info for scripts.
* Fix for debug assert from active aero
* McLaren F1: Set up aero for brake-activated rear spoiler.
* BMW 1M: Increased default tire pressure
* Added new external cockpit colour
* Audi R8 V10: Fixed cameras, calibrated gauges, updated CPIT display
* Audi R8 LMS: Fixed RCF files, fixed classes, tweaked cameras, added HUD variation
* Audi R18 TDI: Brought it back
* Pagani Zonda Cinque : New driver pose + cockpit camera offsets, to have better sight on left side mirror
* Ford Mustang Cobra SCCA: Prepared for first export, Added runtime files + collision export + placeholder liveries
* Silverstone GP: Set grid to 32
* Azure Coast: Reworked dynamic object masses based on forum feedback
* Loire: New texture maps, 1st commit
* Moravia: Fixed last corner CSM issue, added missing overlays, fixed terrain LOD’s
* Besos: Added all new puddlemaps for wet track setup, updated drain texture to add spec to alpha and updated kerb3 nmap so indents match the diffusemap. New pitbuilding textures, added CLUB layout main tyre wall
Known issues:
– Replays in MP: Not working as they should
– P2P Tracks: Don’t press return to pitbox
– x64 temporarily disabled due to steam client issues.
Build 685 (18/03/14, Team Member+) – ~290.7 MB
* Remove unused mCoordScaleOffset and accessor from ShadowBase
* Code to allow fixed normal mapping for particles.
* Updated apex shaders
* Fix calendar screen to let you select „disabled” events correctly
* Cleaning up code for the message inbox item selection.
* Active Aerodynamics
* Added debug rendering of per wheel terrain information
* Temporarily disable Rolling starts
* Attempt to make GetWPMetricsFromPositionDistance a much safer method ( take 2 )
* Added „no-repeat” functionality to the Pit Engineer speeches
* Force pitstops to match animation sequence
* Stop pit script from spamming debug output
* Moved paint textures to paint folder + new export
* LMP RP339H: LODX cockpit polished, mapped and textured. LODX cockpit parts cloned to placeholder LODA ones. Steering wheel DDS texture. Initial check in.
* Lotus 78: Camber baked into suspension animations
* Pagani Zonda Cinque: UV mapping + many updates, ready for LODs, Added banner texture, set up RCF files, added CPIT display, added custom livery support, Rim texture variations
* Mercedes SLS GT3: New export
* Modifications to trackside spectator areas, filling more empty gaps, spread of dynamic object masses for WMD member feedback
* Azure Coast: Added latest assets,fixed skyring,deleted blue arrow signs,added conc walls at the ends of stages
* Loire: Tweaked emm. maps, added textures for a70 – private building
* Brands Hatch: Updated outdated trd envmap position
* Moravia: New AIW with proper pit support. New pit lane with 22 pita and 44 garage spots. Grid set to 44.
Known issues:
– Replays in MP: Not working as they should
– P2P Tracks: Don’t press return to pitbox
– x64 temporarily disabled due to steam client issues.
Build 684 (17/03/14, Team Member+) – 161.3 MB
* Updated XB1 server data repository: Exported new data platform structures and functions for events support
* Shadow work to remove unused options and fix bugs
* Shadow clean up + additions (with the exception of PS4)
* Tutorial Notifier dialog box, tutorial text added to the TextDB
* Attempt to make GetWPMetricsFromPositionDistance a much safer method
* Fix for AI reported brake damage
* Set up pose spawn location correctly before spawning vehicle inside PhysX
* RemovePhysics participant removes gui loaded vehicle correctly
* German Tracks: Re-upload texture.
* All Tracks: Textures for Tow car.
* Snetterton: TRD updates, Corrected AIW
* Loire: New texture maps, 1st commit, polished textures, add textures for a69 – privat house
* Azure Coast: Added new 2 new shortcuts around s2 uphill road section, reworked the whole terrain, created 2 new drivable roads + 5 other sec roads, created walls/ ret walls/ conc blocks / curbs / new wood armco type, created new textures/materials – reused textures where possible, fixed csm road/cms grass/ csm wall for all layouts, updated armcos, added trackedges/whitelines and updated the ones near these new roads, updated trees / bushes around this area, updated signs, updated dyn stuff, updated streetlight/lights sgx, updated exclusion map, created ded scene for it with just 2 mat, merge all works from other guys, fixed some of these works, updated csm where needed, fixed flags/lod distancearound s3/full finish area, updated mat/removed duplicate ones, updated shader path/removed duplicate shaders
Known issues:
– Replays in MP: Not working as they should
– P2P Tracks: Don’t press return to pitbox
-The following tracks have some issues and require you to press Ctrl+I in order to be able to drive in free practice: Azure Circuit, Belgium Kart Forest, Belgium Historic, Concord, Harrison Pike, Heusden, Jin Ding, Memphis, Moravia, Solitude, Volusia
– x64 temporarily disabled due to steam client issues.