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Megérkezett a legújabb Project CARS build


12073977416_6dde094f25_bSzokás szerint megérkezett a Slightly Mad Studiostól a Project CARS legújabb változata. Az új verzió a Team Members státusszal rendelkező játékosok számára elérhető, akik a Steam rendszerén keresztül a megszokott módon frissíthetik a programot.
Az újdonságok listáját lentebb olvashatjátok angol nyelven.

Build 653 (31/01/14, Team Member+) – 410.6 MB
* XBox One: Minor fix for non Monolithic DX11 Renderer
* DX11: Enable vertex declaration optimisation (fixed up another case of CVertexDecl::Apply failing)
* Added modified overlay shader with extra mapping channels so that normal map and specular channels can be separately mapped, and distance based offset to minimise Z fighting
* Replay Cameras: New real-world-style set for Anhalt – first pass.
* Fixing linkage removed between Race Weekend and MP for the variables Practice 1 duration, Practice 2 duration, Qualify duration and Warmup duration.
* Fix for multi session races not spawning player in correct location and extra logging to help track future issues
* Changed Career session skipping to handle checking backwards into previous rounds instead of just within the existing round
* New gearbox code, gearbox changes 1b
* Vehicles: Added data for new adjustable traction control system and gearbox features
* Brands Hatch: Add some tirewalls, updated the Grass Exclusion in both versions
* Moravia: Materials overhaul, roads, kerbs, armco, grass, fences, terrain broad map. CSM updated, added 3D tyrestacks, static, instances, crowds updated to new art updated, groundcover foliage updated
* Bathurst: Groundcover texture map tweak, updates on groundgrass (WIP) and some tweaks on road, eucalyptus foliage replaced with animated one (wip), added basic3dfoil version instances to the pool
* Anhalt: Fixed collision issue with the red white kerbs on the first turn and the mc donalds chicane by cutting them properly into the underlaying meshes, Optimized AIW for AI behaviour. Mostly corridor funneling with some slight line changes
* Formula C: Wheels dds texture; color nut updated with red color, added new liveries (setup + names), silver rims wheels dds textures, black/red stripe wheels dds texture, wheels dds texture; color nut updated with red color – initial checkin’s
* Pagani Zonda R: Added damage

Known issues:
– Azure Coast (Full/FullRev/Stage1): CTD happens when reaching the end of the track
– Derby Park: Strange artifacts in 3 sections of the track

Important fixes:
– Multiplayer should be back to normal after a profile deletion. Keep your eyes open for any further issues involving the qualifying option being enabled in MP.

Build 652 (30/01/14, Team Member+) – 151.3 MB
* PS4 updates for common constant buffers.
* Xbox One: Enabled rendertarget sharing on env-maps
* Xbox One: Add support for shared ESRAM render-targets
* DX11 fix for broken ground-cover (disable compression on groundcover mesh)
* Updates for common constant buffers.
* Continued work with a now streamlined online request system for the leaderboards.
* Career qualifying sessions now set their duration properly
* Fixes for going back to the garage in qualify and practice to be compatible with MP modes and not based on the paused game state.
* Fix for pit crew animation load fail
* Further Pit Engineer improvements
* Fix for missing post race screens in practice mode
* Ginetta G55 GT3: New TC system data, revised ABS and brake heating/cooling, finished aero model, tweaked up suspension and made a new default setup.
* Ford Mustang Boss 302R: added data for new TC system, adjusted ABS and brake heating/cooling, tire contact patch sizing and default setup
* Loire 24: New texture maps, add textures for pit lights gate B and for pit exit gantry, 1st commit
* Loire National: New AIW for the changes to the layout around the virage garage vert area. Complete, but not optimized.
* Brands Hatch: Cones position changes
* Formula C: Updated logos branding
* Pagani Huayra: Added damage

Known issues:
– Azure Coast (Full/FullRev/Stage1): CTD happens when reaching the end of the track
– Derby Park: Strange artifacts in 3 sections of the track
– Multiplayer: We have found a way to replicate the results you have been having with the pitbox spawn bug.
Test this please: Ensure no one in your lobby have Qualifying enabled in both SP and MP(Lobby), Clean profiles, report results @ MP Feedback Thread

Build 651 (29/01/14, Team Member+) – 160.2 MB
* Bumped MP protocol version.
* Moved session eligibility checking when launching a race out to common functionality, then simplified and expanded it so that eligibility can be tested using the same pathway. With that change, career calendar events are now coloured red, and enter event button is disabled if player doesn’t meet the event+car eligibility checks.
* Changed test career data to proper round/session format to make sure highlighting shows up correctly
* Fix for mismatch with lighting params for dx9 forward shader specialisations
* PC/XB1/WiiU render directly to Environment map faces, without requiring a target copy.
* New system allows 1 directional light and up to 8 dynamic lights in the forward renderer (before this was only 1 directional lights)
* Removed code defining Spot , point and spot projected lights and replaced with new dynamic light spec. This allows us to be able to have better selection of lights overall.
* DX11 bug-fix for RenderTarget clear on individual cubemap faces.
* Fix for assert in pitmanager when restarting race
* Pitstop mechanics animation update
* Brands Hatch: Added distance marks
* New Ford Focus RS incar, exhaust ratio up (more instance), exhaust volume down, gear wobble now in all gear shifts, tyre/surface tweaks & this car now uses the complex wind model. Also, many tweaks to the asphalt surface sounds including better low to moderate speed transitions.
* GT3/4 Cars: Small tweaks to tire contact patch sizing, added data for new traction control tech
* Ariel Atom V8, Caterham R500: Updated flexi tire per the feedback in the CPFT thread. Basicly a stiffer tire with better turn in, while attempting to reatin good slidabilty. Adjust the heating down some in addition to naturally less heat from the less flexible carcass.
* Ginetta G55 GT3: Added wheel and tire LODs
* Pagani Zonda Cinque: LODX cockpit polished, mapped and textured, cockpit2 DDS texture, all new texture, steering wheel DDS texture, all new texture to replace placeholder one.

Known issues:
– Azure Coast (Full/FullRev/Stage1): CTD happens when reaching the end of the track
– Derby Park: Strange artifacts in 3 sections of the track

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