WRC 4 Patch 1.01.0
A Milestone gárdája egy patchet készített a WRC4 játékosoknak. A javítás számtalan apróbb hibát és hiányosságot orvosol, így mindenképpen ajánlott használnotok azt.
Természetesen az eddig megszokottakhoz hasonlóan a frissítések listáját ezúttal is elolvashatjátok kicsit lentebb, angol nyelven.
Main Fixes
- The online ranking classification has been fixed
- The wheels support and force feedback has been improved based on the comunity feedbacks.
- Hot Seat: each player can now disply his own car model ghost
- Hot Seat: every player has the same time for the car fixes and penalties are applied
- As requested by the comunity, a new Frame Rate option has been added. Now user can choose between 30fps, 60fps and freefps
- Settings of shorter or longer gear ratio works fine now
Minor Fixes
- Record points have been fixed for all categories
- Rewind control: has been changed to RWD icon brake pedal (botton), FF throttle pedal (botton)
- Cars on the podium have been improved
- Other smal improvements adn fixes has been added