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Itt a legújabb Project CARS build


11111111CatturaA tegnapi napon megérkezett a Team Member státusszal rendelkező felhasználók részére a szokásos új Project CARS build. A 447-es számot viselő verzió természetesen ismételten számtalan hibajavítással és újdonsággal várja a játékosokat. A frissítés az eddig megszokott módon, a launcher segítségével végezhetitek el.
A changelogot természetesen az eddig megszokottakhoz hasonlóan ismét mellékeljük angol nyelven.

Build 447 (12/4/13, Team Member+)
* Adding new render state alphatest_phase1_nowrite this basically allows us to be able to render the clouds in phase1 to the phase1 rendertargets while not rendering to the depth buffer
* Code change so that all sharedrender structures use the same CRenderablesProcessorManager for rendering

Track Cameras:
* Move centre camera pos to end of enum to fix problems with configs using hardcoded numbers

* Remove unnecessary initialised variable from WeatherForecast and replaced by BArray::IsInitialised

Debug Menu:
* Debug menu modifications to provide improved interaction with envmaps, including ability to modify LOD scale and LOD range, and to snapshot each individual env map. Also protected against NULL pointer crash when exiting race with env map display enabled

* BMW M1: New compound to help this car feel more convincing. Chassis, gearing,setup changes to suit. Dropped inertia of the main chassis
* GUMPERT apollo: Updated some physics data from Sport Auto test
* Terrain materials: Testing a mix of high collision friction and resistance in gravel

* Heusden: static emap position updated
* Rouen: static emap position updated

Build 446 (12/4/13, Team Member+)
* Fixed scroll bar visibility for short lists
* Added TimeOfDay text to GUIHelpers

* DX11 Support for Colour ShadowMap Targets – needed for experimental Exponential Shadow Map shaders
* Fix for Shadow Cascade seam issue (white box near/around the car bug). Also removed cascade scale-down – this improves the shadow shimmer in the mid to far distance

* Lakeville Raceway: Changed some logos
* Lakeville Raceway: New textures for Building01:
* Azure Circuit: Static emap position updated
* Bologna: Static emap positions updated
* Connecticut Hill: Static emap positions updated

* Zakspeed Capri, BMW M1: Removed / fixed camber exploit for these. Readjusted the tyre carcass that both these cars share. Some setup adjustements to suit. Capri got the front motion ratios set to a more typical strut at .85. Changed the spring and shock values to match
* Caterham SP300R: fixed typo in cockpit exposure
* M3 GT4 and Boss 302R: wider spring tuning range to allow softer, street/track types of stiffness

Build 445 (11/4/13, Senior Manager)
3rd Party:
* Added Fanatec SDK v0.17.462
* Add camera centre pos per vehicle property
* Add centre pos
* Tell the car preview loader queue to use the game memory pool
* Clouds now occulde lens flares
* Update to the Sun Lensflare so it puts its occulsion point close to the far clip plane
* App support for -Framelatency <x> command-line setting (DX11 only). For example, -dx11 -FrameLatency=2 reduces default from 3 frames to 2 frames for anti-lag
* DX11 support for DXIDevice1 FrameLatency setting.
* DX11 RenderContext state setting optimisation – reduces OMSetBlendState/RSSetState/OMSetDepthStencilState calls by 20%. DX11 StretchRect also now uses RenderContext state setting instead of direct API calls (There is now never any redundant state sent to DX11 with this optimisation – found using PerfStudio 2.12)
* Code so skyrings render at a fixed depth for Phase1
* Apply changes for GUIDialog callback function
* Fix for popup mouse position calculation
* Ctrl-D debug screen brake bias uses dynamic value
* Motec brake bias shows dynamic value
* Driver anims Ford GT40 MkIV: alpha 2 anims (tweaked feet position)
* Driver animations: Ford capri – alpha 2 anims
* Added cockpit-adjustable roll bars and brake bias for appropriate cars
* BMW M3 GT: general refinement to the physics

Build 444 (10/4/13, Senior Manager)
* Report scrape start/end event even without contact points
* Pass pit speed limiter to player vars on pit limiter key, fixes an issue starting on track and trying to enable the pit limiter
* Added LiveInput systems to allow live onboard vehicle tweaks
* Seperated roll bar calculations from HD vehicle precompute stage
* Implemented brake bias onboard adjustments
* Implemented speed limiter onboard enable / disable
* Implemented anti-roll bar onboard adjustments (currently disabled until vehicles have onBoardAntiRollBars data flag set up)
* Added local to vehicle space calculations for orientation to use with shared memory systems
* CollisionSoundManager only processes scrape events with valid contact points
* New key enable lensflares
* Sun flare texture optimisations
* Fix for moon rendering in front of the sky ring
* New Moon shader
* Lakeville: Added normalmap texturemaps, terrain texturemap tweak, updated assets merged, instance scene updated, new textures for racing school asset
* Lotus 98T added „B” tyre as Doug’s previous original tyre. need to use -b from command line
* -A compound option for M3 GT4 and Boss 302R1
* Formula Gulf FG1000: Initial setup for physics test export. Includes sharper falloff to slick_white slip curves and road-legal
* Formula Gulf FG1000: Placeholder model for physics testing added

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