Itt a legújabb Project CARS build

Ha péntek, akkor szokás szerint új Project CARS build. A Slightly Mad Studios műhelyéből a mai napon gördült ki a 407-es számot viselő build, amely szokás szerint számtalan módosítással, javítással és újdonsággal várja a játékosokat.
A frissítés a már jól megszokott launcher segítségével lehetséges. Természetesen a frissítés tartalmát ezúttal is elolvashatjátok oldalunkon angol nyelven.
Build 407 (15/2/13, Team Member+)
Bug Fixes:
* Added protection against camera thread being asked to update cameras by the physics thread before there are any cameras to update (had caused a one off start up crash)
* Fixed namespace in generated DispatchLinker.cpp file
* Fixed dispatcher database dependency bug encountered when moving class definitions between different source files
* Increased database version number to force recreation of existing databases
* Pit2Car speech now only plays „cut track” speech if they actually cut the track (and a message is shown), so it’s only spoken for the more severe cuts
* Kart clutch tweak
* Next round of FB test tires
* tire.rg: revised slick_green, slick_white, slick_blue and corresponding carcasses to try and fight lazy spin syndrome
* Down Sampling App side code for DS2X and DS4X. (Griff’s)
* Deferred Rendering support for down-sampling AA modes
* DX9/DX11 support for down-sampling. RestoreDepth can correctly populate the depth-buffer from a linear deferred depth + various other HDR fixes
* Permanent fix for HUD case-sensitive hashing issue
* Data fix for missing HUD mirror in cockpit & missing map
* MainMenu Applinks – added DS2X and DS4X anti-aliasing options to the GUI
* Azure Circuit: New texture map
* Azure Circuit: New AIW for latest changes. adds support for pit lane too. grid size changed to 26 for the 13 pits spots
* Azure Circuit: Removed railings from maps
* Eifelwald: Further changes to the Hatzenbach curve and further detailing to the Visitor ringtaxi area
* Palmer JPLM: revised default setup
* Caper Monterey (road): new setup and tweaks to work well at road courses
* Asano LM11: reduced turbo lag and various other updates to go along with new tire to try and eliminate lazy spins
* BMW M3 GT: Added 2 fictional liveries
* BMW M3 GT: Added liveries 09/10 names
* BMW M3 GT: Added 2 fictional liveries
* BMW M3 GT: revised default setup, fixed weight to include driver
* BMW Z4 GT3: revised default setup for new tire