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Itt a Project CARS Build 392


8387144383_ff69a860c2_bPénteken megérkezett a már megszokott Project CARS frissítés a Slightly Mad Studiostól. A srácok ezúttal is kitettek magukért és igazán sok változtatást eszközöltek a játékban. Természetesen az újdonságok listáját ezúttal is megosztjuk veletek angol nyelven.

Build 392 (Team Member+)
* Freecam speed controls modified so that the speed varies smoothly from one to another, rather than instantly snapping.
* Freecam modifications for providing „similar rotation around a pivot” to that found in chase cam, and using the same control keys.
* Scripted controller detection: Added dialog handling functionality to script interface. Added some detection dialog related entries to the text database
* ScriptCompiler: Fixed conflicts between class and namespace names when nested classes are defined in script headers
* ScriptCompiler: Fixed database dependency problems caused by nested class handling
* ScriptCompiler: Allowed non-explicit constants (e.g. constant data vars, enums) to be passed as event arguments
* ScriptCompiler: Added ‘Constant Expected’ error for handling unsuitable event arguments
* ScriptCompiler: Increased database version number to
* ScriptCompiler: Added parsing of const pointer types to header parser (e.g ‘void * const’)
* ScriptCompiler: Reworded non-fatal database error messages to prevent VS2010 from stopping compilation unnecessarily
* Scribe: Added cMessage.SendTo() to expose sending of messages to specific script instances
* Tire.rg: revised slick tire for the GT cars and LM11
* Azure Circuit: Added more or less all road marking, left to add them along the tunnel. Started to add conc drain along the road. Reworked swimming pool kerb, added conc drain, cut the road mesh below them, remapped. Reworked anthony noghes kerb, cut the road mesh below them, fixed armco, remapped. Fixed mirabeau hairpin sidewalk and wall, grass, trees,first step it needs some more fixes. Set flags for all new objects. Merged in latest assets from JanP. Updated csm. Updated sel sets
* Heusden: Fixed further uvstretching on another hillside terrain part
* Heusden: Added pitstuff
* Heusden: Added nightskyring
* Heusden: Heusden, added wetroad effects, on roads, trackside tarmacs, kerbs, gravelbeds, added working tracklights back to track, fixed aliasing on skydome and closed minigaps
* Derby: Repostioned the 38 garage spots 1-2meters left for changed garage geometry. Car can exit without hitting right wall now. Also move start grid positions back 1 space to align with all start box graphics
* Milan: Improved outer terrain, mapped slopes, fixed garages collision, added missing wall, adjusted trees and bushes position accordance with terrain changes
* BMW M3 GT: Added 2 works liveries
* BMW M1: fixed livery names
* BMW M1: changed hands pose to more relaxed one
* BMW M1: Changed rims on some liveries
* Caterham R500: fixed typo in rear suspension geometry
* Asano LM11: non-forward drag values from CFD. collision offset hack for curb issues.
* BMW Z4 GT3: Non-forward drag values from CFD. Collision offset hack to reduce curb issues.
* Asano X4, BMW M1, JPLM, Racers: collision offset hack to reduce curb issues

1 thought on “Itt a Project CARS Build 392

  1. Hiába az új buildek … a fizika egy köpedék … sőt, nincs is fizika
    Amint kanyarodni, manőverezni kell, meghalt a program …
    Valaki még elhiszi hogy, hopp egyszer csak jó lesz az autók kezelhetősége ???

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