Megérkezett a hatodik F1 2012 javítás

A PC-s felhasználók örülhetnek, hiszen a Codemasters gárdája komolyan szárnyakat kapott és szinte ontja magából az F1 2012-höz készült javításokat. Mivel az utóbbi napokban nem nagyon jutottunk el addig, hogy minden javításról beszámoljunk, így most a hatodik javításhoz kapcsolódó hírben olvashatjátok el az ötödik újdonságait is – persze szigorúan angol nyelven
Patch #5:
- Reduced the likelihood of the player getting a penalty when involved in a collision with an AI car.
- Further reduced the chance of rain for all tracks and greatly reduced it for Sakhir (Bahrain).
- Fixed Catalunya so that it’s no longer possible to cut corners to gain an advantage. The PC Catalunya Time Trial Leaderboard will be reset after the patch goes live, this will either be done Friday evening or Monday morning (UK time).
- Fixed an issue where the engine could be damaged or destroyed when using a flashback.
- Reverted the changes to the force feedback from patch 4. While this improved some wheels, it was to the detriment of others.
- Added an option to delete profiles.
Patch #6:
- •Made Pro level AI quicker so that the time gap to Legendary AI is smaller. We’re keen to get community feedback on this change.
- •Fixed the weather system so that
- ◦Cars will no longer start the race on the wrong tyres.
- ◦Cars will be need to change to intermediate tyres when it has been raining with sufficient intensity.
- •Fixed a crash in Co-Op when disconnecting on the results screens.
- •Fixed an issue where the point’s totals on the Constructors Championship table were incorrectly doubled.
- •Stopped a fresh set of the chosen tyre compound being put on the car the first time the player drives out of the garage in a Practice or Qualifying session.
- •Fixed a soft lock in the delete profile menu.
- •Medals awarded in season challenge now update the player statistics correctly.
- The fixes listed above and those specific to the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game are also being tested and verified on those platforms. As these versions require additional submission and authorisation from both Microsoft and Sony the release date for these will follow a little later than the PC version.