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Itt az iRacing 2014-es első frissítésének listája

Megérkezett az iRacing csapatától a 2014-es első build újdonságainak listája. A csapat nem aprózta el a dolgokat és számtalan újdonsággal készült az idei első szezonra, amelyet remélhetőleg minden játékos örömmel fogad majd.
A fontosabb újdonságok között mindenképpen említést érdemes a régóta várt Ruf RT 12R AWD, az új gumimodell, az autók koszolódása és az ovál versenyeken régóta hiányolt Lucky Dog szabály bevezetése is.

A rendkívül hosszú listát angol nyelven a HSW-n is elolvashatjátok, amelyet minden iRacing játékosnak érdemes átböngésznie.

Build Notes for 2014 Season 1.


League Calendar Exports

  • You can now export your league calendar in iCalendar format. This allows you to integrate your iRacing League season schedules with your Google Calendar, iPhone, Microsoft Outlook etc.
  • Calendars are exported per season. In other words if your league is running multiple race seasons simultaneously you will need to export each season individually.
  • To access this feature go to your league race seasons view. If you are either a member of the league or if the league’s race schedule is public you should see a new “Export Calendar” button. Clicking on this presents a dialog that provides two options:

1) Calendar subscription
With this option you copy a URL into your calendar program (e.g. Google Calendar) and the calendar software will listen for calendar changes and update your calendar automatically. This will only work for league race seasons that are public (See League Privacy Settings).

2) Calendar import
For calendar programs that don’t support subscriptions but do support imports you can download the .ics file containing the events for the league season. To download the file click on the download link.


  • Racers can now be “blacklisted”. A blacklisted racer will no longer be allowed to join any hosted session that you host.

1) MyRacers Page

  • A new checkbox has been added to the MyRacers page called “show blacklisted”. Checking this box will display all racers that have been blacklisted by you.
  • To blacklist a racer:
  • Search for the racer.
  • Hover the mouse pointer over the racer’s helmet.
  • Select “Add to Blacklist” – Once this is done, the racer’s row will turn red indicating that the racer is blacklisted. On subsequent searches, all blacklisted racers will be displayed in red.
  • To remove a racer from your blacklist:
  • Search for the racer or check the “show blacklisted” checkbox to display all blacklisted racers.
  • Hover over the racer’s helmet.
  • Select “Remove from Blacklist” – Once this is done, the racer’s row will revert to a normal color and upon refreshing the list, will no longer appear in your blacklist.

2) Race Results Page

To blacklist a racer:

  • · Hover the mouse pointer over the racer’s helmet.
  • · Select “Add to Blacklist” – Once this is done, the racer’s row will turn red indicating that the racer is blacklisted.

– To remove a racer from your blacklist:

  • · Hover over the racer’s helmet.
  • · Select “Remove from Blacklist.”

3) Join A Race Page

– You cannot join races hosted by admins who have blacklisted you. The join button will be replaced with a red “X”. Keep in mind that is not necessarily an indication that you have been blacklisted, as there are several reasons you may not be able to join a hosted session.

My Account Section

  • My Account has a new, easy way to use and redeem gift codes by clicking the blue button that says “Redeem Promotional Code” on the My Account home page.
  • Additionally, you can easily recharge your account with the “Recharge My Account” button on the My Account home page.
  • My Orders in My Account are easier to read.

Weather Information

  • – Series’ individual sessions popup details now show the correct weather parameters.
  • – What’s hot widget now shows the correct weather parameters in the popup details.
  • – Testing a session now loads correct weather parameters for all sessions.

Car Page

  • – Car detail pages have been updated with a new look, with new functionality, and can now play videos (where available).

Joined A Session Interlude Page

  • – iRacing Tips (the random tips and hints) are now called iRacing Tidbits.

Car Paint Kit

  • – The Car Paint kit now allows you to select a slant design for your car number. This will appear in the Sim, but not in thumbnails on the Member Site.



  • – Fast-Track license promotions for Rookie license holders now occur at an SR of 3.0. Since this matches the end-of-season promotion requirements, there is no longer a need for them. And so there will no longer be a “quiet period” at the end of each Rookie season to allow for Rookie promotions.

Simulation Startup

  • – The process of loading and painting each car has been significantly optimized so the Sim can now load a lot faster.


– Fix a bug where cutting and saving a portion of an old replay would result in a replay that would not load.


  • – Improve calibration detection to better handle combined axes.
  • – Added app.ini [Force Feedback] reinitFanatecWheelDisplay flag to allow Fanatec wheel displays to reinitialize when hot plugged. By default this is off.
  • – Added app.ini [Force Feedback] enableHotPlug flag to turn off auto detect of new USB devices for users who have unstable USB environments.
  • – Always output FFB telemetry even if no FFB device is available.
  • – Fixed a bug that could be causing members to lose their shifter buttons in some odd cases.
  • – Fixed a crash that could happen if no joysticks are detected for a moment.
  • – Added in app.ini [Force Feedback] debounceSeqMs=80 flag that can be used to force the sequential shifter to be held down for a specified period after first triggering it, this helps reduce the chances of a double shift caused by buggy hardware, at the expense of slowing down your shifts. This is enabled by default and set to 80 ms.


  • – Add in app.ini [Drive Screen] UIOffsetBottomPct=0 to allow you to shift the bottom of the driving screen up so commercial simulators with a car body in the way can still see the black box. Note that this is an integer so 10 is 10%.

Setup Auto Load

  • – Added a new ‘auto load’ feature where the Sim will automatically choose an appropriate iRacing setup for the track you are at.
  • – There is a check box in garage to turn on/off auto setup loading for each car. This is automatically checked only if you didn’t have a -Current- setup already for a car, so it won’t blow away any pre-existing setups you have on a car. The check box is unchecked as soon as a setup is edited, even if the changes are not saved.
  • – If auto load is enabled, the Sim chooses an iRacing setup by comparing the setup names against the track’s directory name (charlotte_quadoval, for instance), if that fails we look for road or oval, failing that we go with baseline. Autoload will only ever load iRacing setups, not your own.
  • – All cars have had their iRacing setup names adjusted to support this new feature.


  • – We have added some more variety to many of the existing spotter messages.

Lucky Dog

  • – The Lucky Dog rule for allowing lapped cars to get a lap back during caution periods is now available.
  • – When configuring a hosted session, league session or tournament session, you can configure lucky dog by going to the “CAUTIONS” pull-down on the host a race page and select “full course cautions on with lucky dog”.
  • – Lapped cars are considered for who gets the Lucky Dog in order of how many laps down first, then for cars on the same lap down in the pacing order that the caution settled into.
  • – Lapped cars will not be considered for the Lucky Dog if they were involved in anything that may be related to causing the caution, or were carrying a black flag at the time of caution, or do anything stupid during the caution before the Lucky Dog gets waved around (such as getting a black flag, crashing into someone, etc)
  • – The best remaining Lucky Dog candidate will get waved forward a lap as they cross the start/finish line while the lead lap cars are pitting (or even if the lead lap cars didn’t actually pit).
  • – If you get the Lucky Dog, the pace order instructions will tell you to pass the field, pass the pace car, then catch back up to the back of the field. You will also be issued a “Lucky Dog” end-of-longest-line penalty at the same time, which you will see in the upper left. This doesn’t mean go to the end right then, but it means that you will be held at the end of the longest line after you have caught your lap back up.
  • – The Lucky Dog can’t pit while they are on their catch-up lap. The pit entrance will be signaled as closed for you until you do the extra lap. You can pit behind the other lap down cars once you’ve done your catch-up lap.

New Tire Model

For cars with v4 and v5 tires:

  • – The tire probe temperature measurements that are reported in the garage and black box now compute more reasonable equilibrium values to better represent what temperature is actually measured in a pit stop.
  • – Better carcass yaw stiffness and carcass yaw motion. We think this feels better and there is less force feedback chatter as a result too.

For cars with v5 tires:

  • – There have been further improvements to tire heating energy transfer calculations.
  • – The tires now smoke more realistically (and interestingly, that improves the feel over the limit by limiting surface temperature build-up).
  • – Applied a fix to all v5 cars that we had made to the Ruf when it was released in December, which stops certain sidewall loads when a tire is rolled onto the sidewall (heavily loaded, or low pressure) from adding extra grip.
  • In case you are losing track of which cars are on which version of our tire models, here is a full summary:

– New cars with v5:

Ruf RT 12R AWD
Super Late Model

– Cars in this build that have updated from v4 to v5:

  • Cadillac CTS-V Racecar
  • Chevrolet Corvette C6R
  • Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS
  • Ford GT
  • Ford Mustang FR500S
  • Kia Optima
  • McLaren MP4-12C GT3
  • Radical SR8

– Cars already on v5:

  • Legends Ford ’34 Coupe
  • Lotus 49
  • Mazda MX-5 Cup
  • Mazda MX-5 Roadster
  • Pontiac Solstice
  • Ruf RT 12R C-Spec
  • Ruf RT 12R RWD
  • Ruf RT 12R Track
  • Skip Barber Formula 2000
  • Spec Racer Ford
  • Street Stock
  • VW Jetta TDI Cup
  • Williams-Toyota FW31

– Cars on v4:

  • Chevrolet Impala Class B
  • Chevrolet Impala-COT
  • Chevrolet National Impala
  • Chevrolet Silverado
  • Chevrolet SS-Gen6
  • Dallara IndyCar
  • Ford Falcon V8 Supercar
  • Ford Fusion-Gen6
  • Ford Mustang Class B
  • HPD ARX-01c
  • Lotus 79
  • Modified – SK
  • Modified – Tour
  • Riley Daytona Prototype
  • Star Mazda

– Cars still on the old tire model:

  • Silver Crown
  • Sprint Car


  • We have improved some aspects of our differential modeling.
  • All diffs that use spider gears (cars with open diffs, Salisbury diffs, or viscous diffs) now generate a small amount of diff locking from spider gear friction itself. This will give a subtle improvement in feel to the open diff cars and even the viscous diff cars.
  • Our Salisbury diff modeling is better too. The amount of locking from varying ramp angles is a little different than before, but not a lot different. High ramp angles won’t quite be locking as much, but low ramp angles can lock a little bit more. Also, we have changed preload to be the torque required on an axle to overcome the initial friction level of the diff, instead of an internal preload force. All Salisbury diff cars now use this torque value in their setup sheets, but it will initially be populated with the value from the old preload force value, so you may need to adjust your preload values on your setups, probably to a lower value than you’re seeing. An example for reference purposes: McLaren specs their diff to have 80 Nm of breakaway torque (~60 ft-lbs).

Dirty Cars

  • All cars will now accumulate dirt over the course of a race, in much the same way that the windshields get dirty.

Collision model

  • We’ve made some small improvements to the car collisions, so car damage will be a little bit different than usual. Some cars may get damaged a little more easily, some cars will be a little more difficult to damage.


  • Added Motorsports.com sponsorship.
  • Peak and InRacing news logos updated.

Pace Car

  • The Mustang pace car has an updated paint scheme.

Cadillac CTS-V Racecar

  • Updated to latest v5 tire model.
  • Reviewed and improved suspension geometry, shocks, bump stops, anti-roll bars, and steering.
  • Updated aerodynamics.
  • Set fuel increment to 5 liters (1.3 gal).
  • Fix visual issues with the hubs not being in the right location.
  • New baseline setup.

Chevrolet Corvette C6R

  • Updated to latest v5 tire model.
  • Reviewed and improved suspension geometry, shocks, bump stops, anti-roll bars, and steering.
  • Updated aerodynamics.
  • More accurate ride height sensor locations.
  • All brake lights light up when car brakes.
  • New baseline setup.

Chevrolet Impala Class B

  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.
  • Updated setups.

Chevrolet Impala-COT

  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.
  • Updated setups.

Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS

  • Updated to latest v5 tire model.
  • This car, being a regular Late Model, has been overhauled and updated with many of the improvements from the new Super Late Model.
  • The brakes on this car have been updated from simply applying torque at the wheels to modeling its proper brake system; an adjustable balance bar, which operates two master cylinders which generate brake line pressures (visible via telemetry) which applies braking forces at the calipers, for a more realistic approach to setting brake bias. Also, the bias cannot be adjusted while pressure is applied to the brakes.
  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.
  • Better nose and gearbox cameras.
  • Updated setups.

Chevrolet National Impala

  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.
  • Now has Peak sponsorship on dash and windshield. Rear TV panel is now sponsor 2.
  • Updated setups.

Chevrolet Silverado

  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.
  • Updated setups.

Chevrolet SS-Gen6

  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.
  • Updated setups.

Dallara IndyCar

  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.
  • Updated setups.

Ford Fusion-Gen6

  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.
  • Updated setups.

Ford GT

  • Updated to latest v5 tire model.
  • Reviewed and improved suspension geometry, shocks, bump stops, anti-roll bars, and steering.
  • Updated aerodynamics.
  • More accurate ride height sensor locations.
  • Fixed the flipped bolts on outer wing.
  • New baseline setup.

Ford Mustang Class B 

  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.
  • Updated setups.

Ford Mustang FR500S

  • Updated to latest v5 tire model.
  • Aerodynamic improvements.


  • Better tire pressure ranges.
  • More accurate ride height sensor locations.
  • Lock final drive ratio to 3.9375.
  • Altered the engine torque curve a bit for more bottom end and top end.

Kia Optima

  • Updated to latest v5 tire model.
  • Reviewed and improved suspension geometry, shocks, bump stops, anti-roll bars, and steering.
  • Updated aerodynamics.
  • New baseline setup.

Legends Ford ’34 Coupe

  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.
  • Updated setups.

Mazda MX-5 Cup

  • The brakes on this car have been updated from simply applying torque at the wheels to modeling its proper brake system; a tandem master cylinder with proportioning valve, which generates brake line pressures (visible via telemetry) which applies braking forces at the calipers. The brake bias setup adjustment has been removed as a result.
  • Updated tires.
  • Updated aerodynamics.
  • New baseline setup.

Mazda MX-5 Roadster

  •  The brakes on this car have been updated from simply applying torque at the wheels to modeling its proper brake system; a tandem master cylinder with proportioning valve, which generates brake line pressures (visible via telemetry) which applies braking forces at the calipers. The brake bias setup adjustment has been removed as a result.
  • Updated tires.
  • Updated aerodynamics.
  • New baseline setup.

McLaren MP4-12C GT3

  • Updated to latest v5 tire model.
  • Reviewed and improved suspension geometry, shocks, bump stops, anti-roll bars, and steering.
  • The brakes on this car have been updated from simply applying torque at the wheels to modeling its proper brake system; an adjustable balance bar, which operates two master cylinders which generate brake line pressures (visible via telemetry) which applies braking forces at the calipers, which are using different brake pads as the setup specifies, for a more realistic approach to setting brake bias. Also, the bias cannot be adjusted while pressure is applied to the brakes.
  • More accurate ride height sensor locations.
  • Set fuel increment to 5 liters (1.3 gal).
  • Updated setups.

Modified – SK

  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.

Modified – Tour

  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.

Pontiac Solstice

  • Updated tires.

Radical SR8

  • Updated to latest v5 tire model.
  • Reviewed and improved suspension geometry, shocks, bump stops, anti-roll bars, and steering.
  • Updated aerodynamics. Wing is now adjustable in 2 degree increments.
  • More accurate ride height sensor locations.
  • Updated setups.

Ruf RT 12R AWD

  •  The AWD version of the Ruf is now in your garage along with the other Rufs you own. It is identical to the RWD but with an AWD drive train. The AWD and RWD can load each other’s setups.

Ruf RT 12R C-Spec

  •  Updated tires.
  •  The wheels have been replaced with proper racing wheels instead of recolored street wheels.
  •  Updated aerodynamics.
  •  Improved shocks.
  •  Taller final drive option for high top speed tracks like Daytona.
  •  Now has cockpit adjustable brake bias.
  •  Total mass increased by 50 kg to match GTC minimum weight of 1205kg (no fuel, no driver).
  •  Set fuel increment to 5 liters (1.3 gal).
  •  Tach displays correct gauge texture at night tracks.
  •  New baseline setup.

Ruf RT 12R RWD

  • Adjusted brake bias.
  • Added a Tall gear that allows 227mph.
  • Removed pit speed limiter.
  • Tach displays correct gauge texture at night tracks.

Ruf RT 12R Track

  • Updated tires.
  • The wheels have been replaced with proper racing wheels instead of recolored street wheels.
  • Updated aerodynamics.
  • Improved shocks.
  • Now has the same fully auto sequential that the McLaren has.
  • Total mass increased by 32 kg to match homologated weight of 1200 kg (no fuel, no driver).
  • Fuel cell is exactly 100 liters according to FIA.
  • Set fuel increment to 5 liters (1.3 gal).
  • Tach displays correct gauge texture at night tracks.
  • New baseline setup.

Silver Crown

  • Smaller fuel increments.
  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.

Sprint Car

  • Smaller fuel increments.
  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.

Street Stock

  • Updated tires.
  • Added a setup item to offset the steering wheel.
  • New baseline setup.

Super Late Model

  • Now available for purchase! Just like the regular Late Model (Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS) but faster!

VW Jetta TDI Cup

  • Updated tires.

Williams-Toyota FW31

  • More accurate ride height sensor locations.
  • Updated setups.


  • Reviewed scenic cams at many tracks to add cameras where they were missing, and removed some of the less attractive scenic cameras.
  • Crowds in grandstands and trackside have better texture normal maps so they will look more three dimensional.
Toya: Szimulátorozás, régi játékok gyűjtése és egy állandó kiállítás létrehozásának álma. http://www.hsw.hu http://jatekmuzeum.blog.hu
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