Categories: PC

Új rFactor2 build és egy vicces mod

Az ISI csapata elemében van az utóbbi napokban. A tegnapi napok a srácok az április 1-jére való tekintettel egy új modot publikáltak, amelyben rádióirányítású Forma 1-es autókkal tehetitek próbára magatokat, míg a mai napon megérkezett a játékhoz a legújabb 198-as számú build is. A modot innen, míg az rFactor2 legújabb változatát innen tölthetitek le.
A játék természetesen a frissítéseknek köszönhetően, egy kicsit szebb, egy kicsit jobb és egy kicsit gyorsabb is lett. Természetesen számtalan hiányosság akad még, de reméljük az ISI hamarosan ezeket is orvosolja majd.
Szokás szerint oldalunkon elolvashatjátok az angol nyelvű changelogot.

Update 13 (Build 198) Changelog

Adjusted reflection parameter
Re-enabled rain spray
Tweaked rain spray algorithm so that light spray doesn’t last as long as heavy spray
Adjusted minimum water depth to create rainspray
Narrow the rainspray slightly if car is only partly over wet track.
Fix for misaligned sun in reflection map
Fixed minor math problem in “Moving Rearview” algorithm that caused mirrors to reflect forwards if you moved your seat halfway towards them.
Added a color space transform to HDR processing
Now using a more accurate gamma conversion after HDR processing

Small tire tool improvements

Changed default Cut* GDB variables to match the ones at LRP.
Found some problems with driver swap.
Convert drive-thru’s to stop-go’s if there’s effectively no pitlane speed limit (like in historic mods).

Added controls to increase/decrease FOV (find the mappings under the ‘SEAT’ tab, not the ‘CAMERA’ tab).
New Controller.ini variable “Reset Steering Wheel Range Time” feature to fix the steering wheel range (to fix issue with Logitech wheels losing track randomly.)
Doubled the default value for controller.ini variable “Off-road multiplier” to counteract reduced off-road terrain bumpiness values and also because tire parameters have been refined over time.

Fixed bug where ATAC selection was not displayed upon entering mod picker page.
Added some HUD variables to position tire/damage overlays seperate from the background car map image
Added in-between steps for custom HUD digital tachometers for better precision. Remaining backwards-compatible, the available settings changed from (SDID_RPM1, SDID_RPM2 … SDID_RPM23) to (SDID_RPM0H, SDID_RPM1, SDID_RPM1H … SDID_RPM23, SDID_RPM23H). Note that the RPM range used for these come from the cockpitinfo.ini value TachometerRange which is also used for analog tach’s.
Added HUD values “RearFlapDetected” and “RearFlapActivated” in addition to the existing “RearFlapStatus” which appears to mean it is allowed but not currently activated.

Fixed a problem when using a full path in the plrfile Packages dir
Fixed some bugs in ModMgr
Added component filtering option to ModMgr in Options menu
MAS2 now starts up from last location, also multimonitor mode startup is improved
Fixed waypoint selection/deselection bug in dev mode

Fixed problem with g-force meter that caused it to pause briefly but repeatedly.
Fixed crash when upgrades change number of possible values for a garage setting and that garage setting is using special values.

Allowing ai driver’s “start skill” an upper limit of 150 from 100 to allow them to react to the starting gun as fast as a human can.
Fixed AIs blowing up on grid in timed races

Addressed one part of issue where sometimes a client gets delayed significantly when the server changes session
Changed default minimum voters from 2 to 1.
Fixed tire wear multiplier for player vehicle.
Fix for broken default temp car
Implimented a way to propagate multiple *.dds for loose skins in multiplayer games. Easiest way was to allow *.mas files containing all the loose dds files as player livery so only 1 file needs to be transfered. So if you have a loose skin with multiple DDS’s, put them all in a mas file (with the same base name as your base dds) in the loose skin directory and the game should correctly load them and transfer them in multiplayer games.

Toya: Szimulátorozás, régi játékok gyűjtése és egy állandó kiállítás létrehozásának álma. http://www.hsw.hu http://jatekmuzeum.blog.hu
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