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Megérkezett a Project CARS 402-es build

Már pénteken befutott a legújabb Project CARS build, azonban az elmúlt napok elfoglaltságai miatt csak ma tudunk hírt adni róla. Természetesen a 402-es számot viselő buildben is számtalan újdonság és javítás kapott helyet, amelyet a szokásos módon a launcher segítségével telepíthettek.
Az újdonságok listáját az eddig megszokottakhoz hasonlóan ismét közöljük angol nyelven.

Build 402 (Team Member+)

Debug Keys:
* Moved debug key for „toggle dirt” from being „dev only” to being available in members build
* Disabled screen grab in DX11 mode, until full fix is ready (only in race, will still crash if used in the main menu)
* Updated call to use Base abstract BStrcpy
* Render the Skydome in phase 1 of the RVM – needed for the depth faded particles (tyre smoke etc) to ZBuffer correctly against the sky
* Bonnet envmap rendering corrected for carbon skinned parts (eye vector normalization added in fragment shader); well this will slightly affect more things on skinned parts, but this one was reported
* Bonnet envmap rendering corrected for skinned parts (eye vector normalization added in fragment shader); well this will slightly affect more things on skinned parts, but this one was reported
* ShadowMap lookup upgraded to 5×5 PCF
Ghost Mode: 
* Ghost Rendering Tasks and related changes – makes ghost cars render translucently
Bug Fixes:
* (probable) Fix for cars disappearing in the rear view mirror
* White Edges Bug Fixed (both DX9/DX11)
* Fix for HUD cockpit dials (solid elements) receiving SSAO
* Fixes left key pressing in main menu affecting the camera choices
* Fixed ghost imposter shader to work within deferred renderer
* Depth faded particle shader fixed to correctly honour the viewport dimensions
* New sitting crowds for Milan tracks
* Balancing tweaks
* Further balancing changes to Road tyres
* Surface fdp updated for non slick tyred cars (more road roll)
* Pirault logo added to splash screen
* Connecticut Hill: Added revered kerbs, fixed csm and tearing issues, added missing fence poles
* Azure Circuit: Green neon lights added
* Azure Circuit: New texture map
* Azure Circuit: Finished to rework kerbs and cut the mesh under them, reworked wrong armco and added missing ones, reworked sidewalk in front of the hotel the paris, mirabeau-fairmont, added missing conc side kerb, fixed geometry and mapped where needed, merged latest from JanP, fixed csm, fixed conc barriers positio
* Milan: Fixed wet reflection on gravel materials
* Milan: Added racing line, skids, adverts
* Eifelwald: Added viewer placed lights , added cars and tents around track, lowered and narrowed Hatzenbach kerbs, fixed microgaps in the adenauer forest s curve, added more viewer placed lights tents and cars
* Updated paint colours with rain effect
* Fixed shader code which made matte paint look glossy when rain support was enabled
* BMW M3 GT: Added liveries 03/04 names
* BMW M3 GT: Added 2 fictional liveries
* Caper Monterey (road): removed wedge and left weight bias from default setup
* Pagani Huayra: Fixed carbon material not getting rain effects
* Pagani Zonda R: Wiper animation and wiper mask added
* Ford Focus RS: fixed a typo causing asymmetry in the front suspension geometry
* Ford Focus RS: accurate gear ratios, default setup from Jussi’s research into stock values
* Staro SRS: Idle throttle adjusted to allow stalling, downforce from reference article
* Staro SRS: Fixed cockpit animations
* Pirault Mega SR: Basic physics setup with accurate engine, gearbox and some suspension data
* Pirault Mega SR: Added audio
* Pirault Mega SR: Added runtime files
* Pirault Mega SR: Added textures
* Pirault Mega SR: Added collision export
* Pirault Mega SR: Added srcdata/physics files
* Pirault Mega SR: Added paint colours + cockpit display
* Pirault Mega SR: Alpha2 driver animations
* Pirault Mega SR: Added first export

Toya: Szimulátorozás, régi játékok gyűjtése és egy állandó kiállítás létrehozásának álma. http://www.hsw.hu http://jatekmuzeum.blog.hu
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