Categories: PC

F1 2012 Update Patch 11

Itt van szokás szerint az F1 2012  játékosoknak szánt legújabb patch, amely már a 11. a Codemasters Formula 1-es játékához. Természetesen a frissítésekben és javításokban ezúttal sincs hiány, amelyet szokás szerint angol nyelven osztunk meg veletek.

  • Made an improvement to the AI under braking that will stop them from crashing in to the back of the player so frequently.
  • Deactivated the run_on_cpu option which was added with the last patch.  The feedback given did not indicate that this improved the framerate for anybody.Fixed two issues when using the Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP Wheel.
  • The default Logitech control profile is always selected after player attempts to customise the controls with this wheel.
  • Placeholder graphic shown for View Replay button icon when using a Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP Wheel as no button/key is assigned to View Replay.
  • Work Arounds:
  • If you’re getting a stuttering during gameplay please try turning your Anti Aliasing setting down.
  • If you have the incorrect race distance in season two issue please try.
  • From the Main Menu select Career -> Career -> Settings -> Race Settings.
  • Back out (you don’t need to change anything) and scroll back to the Main Hub.
  • You can now continue your play through as normal.
Toya: Szimulátorozás, régi játékok gyűjtése és egy állandó kiállítás létrehozásának álma. http://www.hsw.hu http://jatekmuzeum.blog.hu
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